The Rambling Redneck

Commentary on the Zeitgeist

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Looming Disaster

In a probable McCain vs. Hillary match up Hillary is preferable because Hillary did not write the comprehensive amnesty bill, she did not call all us who disagreed with it a bunch of racist xenophobes, and she took a stance in favor of blue collar workers over illegals in the last debate.

While I am under no illusions about her sincerity, she will look out for her own interests and spending all her political capital on illegals means nothing that is near and dear to her icy liberal heart will get done. On the other hand, McCain is sincere in his desire to erase our borders and destroy my nation with amnesty and will stop at nothing to do it. Once it is done there is no turning back unlike any of the liberal buffooneries Hillary might inflict on us.

While the prospects are grim and the party did this to it’s self, with the help of a screwed up primary schedule. It is not over yet; Romney is not the best candidate but he is not unacceptable, and he is the second highest in the polls. The surest way to stop this disaster is to push him over the top on Super Tuesday.


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