The Rambling Redneck

Commentary on the Zeitgeist

Saturday, February 02, 2008

stench of self-righteousness?

Burt Prelutsky over at pajamas media tells us that by refusing to support the GOP candidate we have “a stench of self-righteousness” or that we are “cuckoos” for even considering Hillary, but the calculus of it is simple.

Huckabee can’t get the nomination but by staying in he will draw support from Romney and there is no point in even mention Paul’s prospects so the GOP nomination will go to McCain. After his betrayal of the nation with S. 1348 he boldly declared everyone who objected did so not out of differences in opinion, or differing views at the path we should follow, no it’s because we are racist, xenophobic, unwashed peckerwoods.

To hell with that! After his pathetic attempt at bullying in furtherance of subterfuge McCain is unacceptable and every other person in the race without regard to party affiliation is preferable; some more so than others for sure, but all are preferable to McCain.


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