The Rambling Redneck

Commentary on the Zeitgeist

Thursday, April 29, 2004

And now it’s time for Arlen Specter to stick a knife in Bushes back to thank him for his role in Specter primary win. What can I say Bush deserves it, next time choose honor first and avoid the realpolitik Mr. President it keeps you from getting hosed, and you will feel better about yourself.

In my own state of Oklahoma, cigarettes are the cash cow. The legislators want to raise taxes one dollar a pack and this only after banning their use in most public buildings. Of course it begs the question how many who thought a $1K per year habit was ok will quit at $1.5K per year. and oh yes, the state will save money in medical costs if people quit right? Not necessarily, the savings in cancer treatment will be offset by geriatric treatment. Of course, it will be better for them to die of old age, but the point is that is not the states decision to make.

Well seems some RINOs in Virginia sided with democrats to raise taxes in a bipartisan manner (note: how raising taxes is always bipartisan and lowering them is not) now the GOP of Virginia may get decimated come November and they are blaming the anti-tax coalition. Anyone but you right fellows.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

If we needed more evidence that Bush is a faux conservative he supported RINO (republican in name only) Arlen Specter over Conservative Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania primary. The national party is not supposed to get involved in inter party squabbles at all, but Bush got scared the senate might be pulled to the right.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Watching the news one gets the impression that Kerry is a fool whom doesn’t know what’s good for him. If he did, he would lie low and his base would turn out in force Come November, as they hate Bush with a passion. As it is, all he is doing is helping Bush, (the amnesty loving, big spender) to introduce Kerry to his base so we can see that it could be worse. all he can achieve now is to scare heretofore disgruntled conservatives to the poles. Almost no one will vote for someone this election as the choice is betwixt bad and worse, we will all vote against the other schlub.

How they entice mujahid losers who can’t get dates, to the jihad "Sheik Omar spent much of his time Thursday night regaling his young followers with the erotic delights of paradise - sweet kisses and the pleasures of bathing with scores of women - while he also preached the virtues of death in Islamic struggle as a ticket to paradise."

read the whole thing.

From the Daily News: “Teresa Heinz Kerry says she's pro-choice but believes abortion is "stopping the process of life,"” so she believes abortion kills an innocent member of human species yet supports it anyway! See post directly below.

Also I take umbrage at her insinuation that she would be as worried about her teenage daughter getting pregnant as anyone else, as if her daughter would ever have to worry about paying for food, diapers, a nanny, etc.

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. Proverbs 8:36

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Speaking of the detestable practice Sobran’s has an excellent article:

“infanticide is beginning to find its defenders among us — defenders who appeal to the logic of abortion, which says that nobody should be burdened with an unwanted child. They differ from most abortion supporters only in consistency: they don’t pretend that a human being isn’t being destroyed.”

Read the whole thing.

Least you think it strictly an Arab pathology, thousands of women turned out on the mall to march in support of murder this morning.

Re: super storm movie. Why NASA; wouldn’t NOAA be the relevant administration?

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Cartoons continued: They are certainly are doing their best to teach our daughters to be little tramps. Women have a strong emotional bond to the first guy they copulate with, which isn’t bad provided it is their husband; thereafter it tapers off and is finally extinguished. Methinks this is why the moral assault on young girls is so strong. Their goal is the destruction of the family, and the dependency on the state that it usually causes. Women file most of the divorce suits because at a time when the marriage is inconvenient there is no emotional bond to stop her, she has been taught to be self-centered all her life, and the state is eager to assist. This is not to say that some women aren’t in truly horrendous marriages, but if that is the case, she won’t be filing for the wildly popular No Fault Divorce.

According to Drudge the Bush, administration is fumed about the soon to be released super storm movie The Day After Tomorrow. Moreover, the administration doesn’t want any NASA scientist running off at the mouth least people get the wrong ideals on global warming. They will probably be flummoxed as to why everyone thinks they are hiding something muzzling the scientists.

Saturday morning cartoons are pure filth! A bunch of conniving little cretins are glorified; and our children are taught to be self-centered, that plotting and scheming against their neighbor is perfectly normal, moreover, that life sucks without the proper stuff. Got to collect them all, see. Thank god for DVD.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Ariel Sharon says he is no longer bound by his pledge to president Bush not to kill Arafat (misery and death be upon him); well good, the leader of the PLO has profited in his wickedness for far too long. No word on when his punishment will be mettled out though.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Was earth hotter at the equator, with a torrid zone of deadly heat 6000 years ago? When you look at Parmenides model of five climate zones; two polar zones inhabitable due to the cold, a torrid zone at the equator inhabitable due to the heat, and two temprate zones where everyone lived; and compare that to contemporary global warming models that claim global warming will cause a collapse of the salt-conveyor belt and a shutdown of the Gulf Stream which gives northern europe over half of its heat thus causing a new ice age, it seems possible. If the the heated water doesn’t head to the poles it will presumably stay in the tropics converting them into a torrid zone as the heat can’t escape. Perhaps Parmenides was not just breathing the aether after all.

Well the local paper is pumping up the Education Lottery again, we will have to vote on it again and more endure sermonizing by the press because the last few times us unwashed rubes didn’t vote right.

There are a gazillion reasons to vote it down including it was just voted down and shouldn’t be brought up again, that it doesn’t work in practice (funding that would have been allocated to education is diverted because the lottery will cover it), and personally I have a real problem with schools making money off the innumerate by preying on their innumeracy.

What a headline “Schools teach to avoid closure as testing nears” err shouldn’t they have been doing that all year. Westwood apparently has been failing students for the last four years and this article would have us feeling sorry for the staff. School isn’t for the staff, but for the students! Ugh.

We had a wicked hail storm yesterday, with golf ball to baseball sized hail. Pics

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Looks like the police in Italy made a good haul of terrorist owned weapons, but what is a terrorist-grade rifle looks like a collection of Kalashnikovs to me, aren’t they in service with many non western police forces around the world?

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Boy, do they have extravagant parties and a lack of morals in Norway.

I reckon getting divorced and paying child support would suck, but paying child support for a child that lives with you. What gives? Of course, if you don’t pay you’re liable to get life in prison.

From Financial Times: Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand's prime minister, said he would pull his country's 451 medical and engineering forces from Iraq if they were attacked. "We do not go there to fight," Mr Thaksin said. "If we get killed, why should we stay?"

They will be attacked now Mr. Shinawatra, count on it.

According to the Independent; “Brigadier [general] Nick Carter said it could take British troops between two and 10 years to restore long-term stability, under the authority of an Iraqi police force acceptable to all rival factions within the country.” Why do generals sound like politicians? It is impossible to please all factions so why do they even try. I understand why politicians want to please everyone, especially around election time but generals? Where is Admiral Halsey when you need him.

"Kill Japs! Kill Japs! Kill more Japs! You will help to kill the yellow bastards if you do your job well." --Admiral Halsey--

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says Arabs now hate U.S. more than ever due to the Iraq invasion and Israel's assassination of two Hamas leaders. So, a foreign country kills two disciples of the unholy grenade god and they hate us for it. And we should care about their learned opinion why? And don’t get me started about that clown in the wheelchair or the other comic book villain that succeeded him, good-riddance to them both. “Volcano of revenge”, “rivers of blood”, and “100 unique reprisals” if Hollywood came up with this we would laugh at the cheesiness of it! And as for Iraq it seems no good deed goes unpunished.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Seems Woodward is also claiming Bush told Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan about his decision to go to war before informing Secretary of State Colin Powell. Before you know it, he will be claiming Bush gave the Saudi Ambassador a veto too, or some other ludicrous pap.

So Bob Woodward writes a book in which colon Powell supposedly foresaw the insurgency and we went to war anyway. Where is the scandal? Isn’t the presidents advisors suppose to advise him? Oh, they were of divided opinion, I see the prez is only supposed to hire yes men! Ah, but he was warned about the insurgency and decided to go to war anyway. Perhaps that’s because there were no good options, the easy decisions are made at a much lower pay grade.