The Rambling Redneck

Commentary on the Zeitgeist

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Cartoons continued: They are certainly are doing their best to teach our daughters to be little tramps. Women have a strong emotional bond to the first guy they copulate with, which isn’t bad provided it is their husband; thereafter it tapers off and is finally extinguished. Methinks this is why the moral assault on young girls is so strong. Their goal is the destruction of the family, and the dependency on the state that it usually causes. Women file most of the divorce suits because at a time when the marriage is inconvenient there is no emotional bond to stop her, she has been taught to be self-centered all her life, and the state is eager to assist. This is not to say that some women aren’t in truly horrendous marriages, but if that is the case, she won’t be filing for the wildly popular No Fault Divorce.


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