The Rambling Redneck

Commentary on the Zeitgeist

Sunday, January 02, 2011

T shaped house First Draft

T Shaped House 1st Draft

First Draft

Since planning is cheap and cement is permanent I reckon I will draw as many drafts as necessary before I start to work this spring, and probably lay it out with sticks and twine then walk through it a few times.

The room in the front is a front porch and a screened porch in the back. I don’t know how draw do a deck yet. Upstairs in the back it’s a screened sleeping porch.
I still need to optimize room sizes based on classical mathematical ratios so they will look and feel right.
All rooms have six facades yet even more important than the facades is the size and proportion; a room based on the golden ratio will feel right, a cube will not. Although, a foursquare style cube will provide the most SQFT for any given area of exterior wall (insulated), and the interior can be walled off into more pleasing rectangle shapes.
The basement will be built unfinished and insulated against the house and exterior but not the ground, since ground-temp is a constant 62°F at 6’ it should be a cool retreat for the dog days of summer.
The Living, Kitchen, Study, Stair shaft, and all bedrooms should have fully functional transom windows to help passively control the flow of heat.
The stairwell & third floor tower are to act as a cooling tower funneling the heat out of the house in summer; in the winter the transom windows and tower windows will be shut.
The roof angle will be the same as the latitude for optimal solar collection on solar hot water and power, need to c compute slope and check if this is feasible.
Kitchen should have varying counter heights for different tasks.

Anything I’m missing?