The Rambling Redneck

Commentary on the Zeitgeist

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

From the AP: Clmatologist show their true colors.

“It's an abruptness no one believes possible, least of all the filmmakers behind the 20th Century Fox release. "It's very cinematic to choose the worst-case scenario, which we did," said co-screenwriter Jeffrey Nachmanoff.

Nonetheless, scientists are embracing the movie, unusual for those whose stock in trade is fact.”

Not when there is government money to be had.

Monday, May 03, 2004

What tempts one to commit suicidal terrorism? Why sitting around huffing glue, praying to Allah, and dreaming about getting some with those 70 virgins! A large part of the problem is there is parity in birthrates among males and females yet one male may hog up to four wives. Thus, the less prosperous are deprived and lust after pipe dreams. There will be no calming influence of family and the sense of responsibility that goes with it, nor the stress relief of sex.

Did al-Sistani convince al-Sadar to declare war on us so we would get rid of him? One has to wonder, of course al-Sadar may have huffed some glue and came to the conclusion he could win, but he is probably a dupe.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

While I believe or at least hope that the worst of the photos are forgeries some of the accused aren’t saying no it’s not true; but rather excuses, so it has at least a element of truth as all good propaganda does.

It is beginning to look as though something dastardly has happened in Iraq and the photos if authentic are damning. Not just an angry outburst that can be forgiven but systematic abuse and sexual perversion that cannot. As our finest were giving their all on the front these bas****s were undermining their efforts in the rear. Picking up innocuous Iraqis in large dragnets abusing them in this manner then turning them loose virtually assures that they will be insurgents the next time they meet our soldiers. The propaganda also insures a steady flow of insurgents into Iraq.

Like the fox without a tail, we seem eager to inflict radical feminism on the Iraqis. This will go very badly because the Iraqis can see what equal rights did to us. A strong male dominated society like that will have no trouble finding cannon fodder to resist this and it isn’t central to our mission. We should scale back this buffoonery at once.

Deeper darker secret, 60 Minutes is running a story on eugenics and the warehousing of youngsters thought to be a tad too dull to mingle and breed with normal folk, least they disseminate their sub par genes. Not a word on how the still powerful disciples of Darwin and contributed to and perpetuated this problem.

I’m getting discussed with all the talk about “Exit Plans”. Methinks exit plans are a loser’s device. If you doubt consider, what is the exit plan for Germany, Japan, or Korea? Oh wait, we didn’t loose those wars we don’t need one, were still there!

I’m certainly glad Thomas Hamill escaped and this story perfectly illustrates why we must find the Fallujah insurgents and kill them all.

"If you don't respond within 12 hours ... he will be treated worse than those who were killed and burned in Fallujah."

There is no point in debating or negotiating with that level of hatred. The sooner they’re gone the better.

Time magazine stated Bush’s testimony contradicted Bill Clinton’s before 9-11 commission. Personally, I think that is indicative of bush telling the truth.